I really need to update my blog more often. I know I've said that before. I did end up buying a tablet to see if that would make things easier. The tablet is nice, but the on screen keyboard on my phone is better. For longer writing I need to buy a Bluetooth keyboard for the tablet.
Especially now with baby 2 here, I'll have to figure what works best. Baby boy is 2 weeks old, and I find myself doing lots of one handed writing. I'm sure he'll be easier to set down for longer periods of time as he gets a little older. I suspect we are in the two week growth spurt.
At some point I'd like to write his birth story. At least a not too medical summary of the highlights. With my older kid I had a scheduled C section. I decided not to do a repeat C with this baby and worked up until it was time. Which resulted in a cross county drive when my water broke.
I'd forgotten how demanding the newborn days are. I mostly remember daughter falling asleep on me during her maternity leave and lots of reading while she napped. This baby is fussy all afternoon, we've been going on walks to settle him.