I posted this over at Forward Motion, and am posting it here to.
Here's what I'm aiming to accomplish this month.
4 Critiques - Seeing as how these are shorter works I'm planning on doing one crit a week.
Back to school for busy writers - get started on this. Outline the class and have the first 2 lessons done. Bonus points for all of them done. (It's an FM thing).
Magical Fantasy - Do my practice query in prep for more world building and a revision outline. I'd like to get a good start on the outline and world building as well.
2yn - Do some of the lessons for that and get closer to being caught up. (Another FM thing - my Mining Mystery)
Alpha read for a friend - I can fit this in around the other writing.
Website clean up - My poor writing website is in rough shape. Some sections need to be put together, others need cleanup, and some just need updating.
Finish organizing my writing area. I've got a good start to this, so it's mostly finding homes for the last few things on my desk then putting the mini crates up. Oh, and watching out for the cat she likes to sit on top my tower and paw at stuff on my desk. Pens are her favorite so I've gotten good at keeping them in their spot. (I have something on my desk for pens, luckily she only bothers them if they are laying on a flat surface.)
SF short - start on first draft. This is related to the 2yn world wise, but it's a stand alone plot wise.
Mighty Hunter
3 hours ago
Good luck getting your list accomplished. I've posted a couple of blogs vowing to be more focused this month.
Thanks. Increasing my writing productivity has been a work in progress. I figure I'm off to a better start now with defining my goals more than before.
Good luck with your focus :)
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