Coming Down the Mountain: From Reclusive Writer to Published Author: Are You Ready to Find a Bunch of Awesome New Followers...: "It's time for the Blog Party BBQ to begin! I've jazzed up my blog with some new color, how about you? Are you ready for a bunch of new visi..."
This is my first time using the "Blog This" button from another blog, so hopefully the formatting looks alright.
I'm participating in Karen's Blog BBQ event and I wanted to mention it in my blog. I also figured it would be a good chance to have a more recent post here. If you don't already read her blog go over and check it out.
I've already received some comments from other BBQ people (yay) on an older post which unfortunately that post is old enough for comments to go to the moderation queue. Blogger e-mails me so I saw them shortly thereafter.
For anyone wandering over here from the party feel free to say hi on this post or my previous one. Either post works. I'd meant to have a more recent post, but with taking my one cat to the vet twice this week it's been a little hectic.
I am planning on visiting other BBQ blogs this weekend. I don't have any constraints on my time all weekend. Well, aside from making sure kitty gets lots of attention.
Mighty Hunter
3 hours ago
So that's what happens when you click the blog this button! I always wondered, wow interesting. I often click the twitter button on blogs I like to RT them. Enjoy your weekend, nice that you don't have a lot to do.. sigh... I'm cleaning house today, well that is, I should be but right now I'm visiting blogs!
Hi, Claire! I popped over for the BBQ. It's always fun meeting new blog buddies. :-)
Saying hello!
And do you role-play? That's cool.
Hi Claire - nice to meet you. I'm over from the barbeque - I'm also in revision so look forward to coming back and seeing how you're doing!
Jan Morrison
Karen - It is pretty useful. I did end up editing the "blog this" content after posting. I changed my post heading, and finished the word "followers" in the hyper-linked text. I've used the Twitter button plenty, that one is handy as well.
Thanks. I also have to get some cleaning done, but not as much as I would usually have to do on a weekend. I think having quick re-heat leftovers for three nights this past week helped.
Shannon - Hello. Yes, it is fun meeting new blog friends. :) I also twitter, but blogging is a bit easier to get to know people since the characters aren't as limited.
Alex - Hi. I'm not actively role playing currently, but it's something I've been doing over the years. I love it because it's social writing. Plus creating characters to interact with other people's characters is a nice creative exercise. I usually participate in RP forums, and I'm working on a science fiction one with a few friends.
Jan - Nice to meet you to. Good luck with your revision. This one is my first serious attempt at revising a completed first draft novel (I've done scenes for course work). I'm sure I will have more revision related posts.
Stoping in from Karen's to say hi. I love your blog. The colors are great.
Your kitty's sick...this brought me to a screeching halt! (Yep, I'm a cat person!!!) Hope all's well soon. Love your blog. Thanks for finding me. I'm following you now. Don't forget kitty updates!!
I'm here from the BBQ too. It's nice to meet a fellow writer. I look forward to your upcoming posts. Cheers!
just stopped by from the bbq party, see you later. I love ur blog layout
Hi :) I popped over from the BBQ, great funn isn't it. I actually have a fantasy trilogy planned too! Was rather unexpected but going with it now :)
Andrea - Thanks :) I'm a fan of purple, and I'd already had these colors picked out for my website. Now my blog matches.
Kittie - Thanks for following me back :). My cat probably has a bladder infection, the vet did an X-ray Thursday which ruled out bladder stones. They also sent out a sample to grow out a culture of whatever bacteria might be causing the infection, so that way they can target the bug with the anti-biotic that will work best for it, and gave her something for the meantime. Luckily whatever she has is more mild, she's mostly her usual self.
MT - Hi, thanks for stopping by. The BBQ is great it is fun meeting other writers.
Joanna - Thanks for stopping by, and for the layout compliment. The color scheme and header image I first put together for my website and thought it would be fun for my blog to match. I still have to put content up on all the pages of my site.
Nicole - The BBQ is fun, I'm glad I decided to participate. My fantasy trilogy was also unexpected, but the idea came for the character/world so I decided to go with it. I usually write more mainstream fiction, though I'm open to exploring ideas in other genera. That is the benefit of not being published yet, I'm not tied to any genera or style :)
Finally made it over from the BBQ! Late, I know. Thanks for the follow - looking forward to reading more of yours ...
Simon - Thanks for stopping by :) And you're not late, the BBQ is still going today.
I there! I also found you through Karen! Lovely to meet you:)
Candyland - Thanks for stopping by, and it's nice to meet you to.
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