Monday, June 6, 2011

Games Blogfest

I signed up way back when for Alex's Games Blogfest. Here is my post with my favorite games.

Drod - I love this game. I first started playing it years ago when I bought a disk with many various games and Drod was one of them. This is part puzzle, part monster slaying and it now has more games. The first game starts in King Dugan's Dungeon (KDD) where Beethro is tasked with cleaning out said dungeon. The player controls Beethro through various rooms on various levels of the dungeon slaying all the monsters. Each type of monster has specific rules it follows, moving only when Beethro moves/"waits".

In addition to many many puzzles in all the various rooms across the three games there is also a level editor. Anyone who wants to can create their own levels to play through and can share them on the community forum. I'm still working on the official game levels so I haven't downloaded any other levels yet. I have played with the level editor though and have had fun doing so.

Sims - I've played this game for years starting with the original Sims on the PC. I even had downloaded a tool to make custom objects for the game. Right now I have Sims 2 and various expansion packs for my computer. Because I'm going to be upgrading my computer soon I'm waiting on installing everything and I miss the game. Maybe it's because I'm a writer, but my favorite way to play Sims is simply making up families/friends and seeing how they interact. I don't get into the game aspect of it as much, I don't pay much attention to getting my sims to the tops of their careers or having them make tons of money.

I do have Sims 3 for the Wii, which I've played a few times. While I like it I'm still getting used to the console controls for everything. My poor sim family has a couch facing the wrong way because I can't get it to rotate. (Then again I had cat on lap while playing and the instruction  booklet was out of reach).

Labyrinth - The game not the movie (though the movie is great to). This is something I played with my mom and brother when I was a kid. I couldn't not include a board game for this post. For the game play each player has several cards each of which have the picture of an object on them. The player's token starts at a corner of the board then has to move around the maze of the board to land on the spots with the matching object pictures. The first player to reach all their pictures wins.

The challenging part comes in with changing the maze. The board is comprised of flat pieces with pictures of the maze walls/path on them. Some pieces are permanently fixed on the board while others move. At the start of each turn a player picks up the extra maze piece and has to shift the maze once before moving their token.


  1. Great games. We have a wooden Labyrinth game.

  2. So your Sims family looks like a reversal of the Simpsons on their couch?
    Thanks for participating in the blogfest!

  3. I used to be so addicted to Sims. When I loaded 2 on my old computer, it started on fire. Maybe just coincidence, but I haven't tried to load it since. lol

  4. They sound pretty awesome! My kids are the ones that dominate the computer games, but I may have to try these. Thanks!

  5. I've heard of the Sims but never have played it. I saw a commercial for a medieval version of the Sims and for the first time thought, "hey, maybe I should try that game..."

    I'm unfamiliar with the other two games but I love the movie Labyrinth.

  6. I loved the movie Labyrinth, but I haven't played the game. It's nice to meet you. I'm a new follower from the blogfest. :)

  7. Labyrinth sounds like a lot of fun. :)

  8. Wow, another Sims fan! That's awesome. I like tormenting my little Simmies. It's like torturing the characters in my stories, but with Simlish responses!

  9. Thanks for sharing. I've never gotten started with the Sims, but I should probably give it a try.

  10. I enjoyed The Sims 2. I don't know the other games, though.

    Drod sounds like fun. :-)

  11. I've only heard of Sims, and have never played that; Labyrinth sounds like fun!

  12. Labyrinth sounds like one of those games that would just cause me to lose even more of my hair.

    Yet......tempting. LOL.

    Nice that you picked a board game!

  13. I'd never heard of Sims, but I love the idea of making up your own characters and seeing how they interact, how fun. Great choices!

  14. I haven't played any of these, but I'd love to, especially Labyrinth.

  15. I used to love to play cards, chess, Monopoly, and Mille Bourne's but I've gotten away from games recently.

