Thursday, September 22, 2011

Writing Wednesday: Nanowrimo idea

I do still want to post about writing and I'm currently in the process of figuring out the balance of what to post when. Writing sounds good on this day of the week because alliteration is fun. Not that every topic has to match, it just created a starting point.

With baby on the way I'm planning on getting in what writing time I can now and seeing how things go once she's here. To that end I've decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo / NaNo) this November. I had a glimmer of an idea a few months back which merged with an old short story idea from a few years ago.

My idea is still rough hopefully I can get it to a workable state soon. Ideally I'd like to have an outline ready to go. I'm writing science fiction this year. The basic idea of the story is a less advanced society living in the shadows/ruins of a previous society that was more technological. Right now I'm trying to figure out why the first society left and making sure the reason still leaves room for the current society.

And yes I know it's Thursday. I started this post yesterday over lunch and decided to still run with the title.

Blogfest wrap-up: I had fun at the Labor Day blogfest and am still planning on visiting everyone who stopped by here. These past two weeks have gotten away from me.


  1. Good luck with your idea! :) It sounds like an interesting story.

    I want to have an outline for NaNoWriMo this year, too. I've got a few potential stories floating around in my head at the moment, but none of them really click yet.

  2. It's hard to imagine completing an entire manuscript within a month's time. (I mean, who cooks the meals and does the laundry and cleans the toilets for that month???) Just kidding. Lots of people do it. Just not sure I could. Good luck with it. Sounds like a great idea. (Better get all the writing in as you can before the munchkin gets here!)

  3. Eagle - Thank you. Good luck picking out your idea and getting your outline into place.

    Susan - It is only half a manuscript in a month (basing that on a 100k draft). Depending on how fast someone writes, an hour or two a day is good to reach the 50k goal. Though I always end up not writing daily and spend Thanksgiving weekend doing lots of writing.

  4. Oh my word. I can't believe NaNo is right around the corner! Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Michelle - You're welcome :) It is coming up soon, and I'm sure November will be here before I know it.
