I still have yet to write my Z post, but I wanted to take the time to let anyone know who may be interested about the Story a Day challenge over at Forward Motion for Writers. I decided this morning to join the challenge and while I'm going to try to write a story a day I'll probably end up writing 10 stories.
10 stories? The challenge originally started out as a story each day, but for the past few years (I'm not sure how long ago) different levels were added for people to aim for. There is the 10 story level, the 15 level, the 20 level, and the 31 stories level. The 31 level is there for those who do want to try for a story a day. Stories for the challenge need to have a minimum of 500 words and have a beginning/middle/end. A group of 5 drabbles can also count as a story. A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words.
The challenge also involves using various story/idea generators for most of the stories. There are a variety of generators linked in the challenge thread, and participants can keep playing with a generator until it sparks the muse. I have fun with the generators, it adds a nice little challenge to writing a story and it is a good push to write something different then I might have otherwise.
The challenge is only open to members of FM Writers, but anyone can join the forum. I've mentioned the forum in my R for resources post, there is plenty there for writers. Here is the thread with all the details about the challenge. This link will only work for people logged into the forum.
There, now off to write my Z post, visit back people who have stopped by here, and check out some more A to Z bloggers.
Tree Trunk
12 hours ago
Thanks for sharing this! I was originally planning to do the Story a Day in May challenge at storyaday.org, but after finishing this A-Z I didn't want to commit to another daily project. But the 10 story level sounds perfect for me! I didn't know about this forward motion site, I'm definitely going to join.
Thanks, and congrats on finishing A-Z! I'm glad to have discovered your blog. :)
You're welcome, have fun with the story challenge.
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