Monday, March 12, 2012

A to Z possible: Stories for Baby Girl #AtoZchallenge

I took part in the A to Z blogging challenge last year and have been debating about it this year over the past few months. With having an infant in the house my schedule is not my own. But then the other day I figured it might be fun to make up short stories for her and I could write them down to use for the challenge. I'm always looking for ways to interact with her and this will double as a way for me to still do something creative. I may use the text from speech function on my phone, which works halfway alright. That way it would  be less typing for me. With having her here I'm getting very little time on the laptop. My phone has been so handy.

I think I have a theme in mind for the stories. Well at least a way to interconnect them. Baby Girl has one of those infant play mat/gym things which is an animal theme. She also has a monkey on her bouncer and the light switch in her nursery. As I've been playing with her I've been making up back stories for the various gym animals. I'm thinking those animals can be my A to Z stories, each animal can have a letter. Depending how many animals I add into the mix some of them may have more than one story. And Max the monkey will probably be the main character.

These would be fairly rough draft stories. When she's older I might have fun revising them and drawing pictures to create a book for her to read. The gym is just a starting point, I'm not limiting myself to the animals on there. I'm also still thinking of a cute little setting still. The gym is a rainforest, but I may do something different.

Anyone else doing the challenge? What sorts of themes are you all doing, or just winging it?


Unknown said...

Sounds like a great idea! I did the same kind of post today, hop over and check it out :) I have pre-posted up to the letter O and I am having a blast. By pre-posting I will have more time to read what others are posting. Besides, my month of April is going to be crazy :) Good luck in the challenge!

Claire Goverts said...

I stopped by your blog, love your idea for the challenge. I'm also planning on writing ahead and scheduling my posts. Or at least having them written on the editor on my phone then posting on the right days. I wish I had scheduled ahead last year to have more time to comment on other blogs.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's a great idea! Glad you're doing the Challenge again. This is my third one and second as a co-host. Best blog event ever!

Arlee Bird said...

What a great thing to create for your little girl. This sounds fun.

I'm linking to this post in the Sunday Summary.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Blogging from A to Z

Claire Goverts said...

Alex - Thanks :) I had fun last year and am looking forward to this challenge this year. It is a great blog fest.

Lee - Thank you. :) I'm honored that you are linking my post.

BoredinBuffalo said...

I just looked at that challenge and think it's a pretty fun idea so maybe I'll take a whack at it as well along with my current knee blog!

Unknown said...

Just stopping by to tag you :)

Jarm Del Boccio said...

I love your idea...I'll look forward to stopping by during April!


MISH said...

Swinging by from the A-Challenge.
This sounds so special... what a great idea!
I look forward to reading your posts during the challenge.

Julie Flanders said...

This sounds fantastic, Claire! Love your idea and I'm looking forward to your posts. Hope your little one is doing well!

Luana Krause said...

Claire: Great idea for the blog challenge! Looking forward to reading more. I have a psych degree too!

Claire Goverts said...

Thank you all for the comments, I'm trying to catch up and also get ready for the blog challenge.

Baby Girl is doing well. A little fussy from her 2 month shots, but she's great otherwise.